TST Technische Systeme GmbH in Hohenleipisch, Brandenburg

Einrichtung and Essen   Wiesenweg 1, Hohenleipisch, Brandenburg 04934

Quadro Pac V collects and stacks big square bales of any regular size. Working at absolute precision, Quadro Pac V minimises field clearing costs, time and compaction while offering effective crop protection from ingress of moisture. Quadro Pac is the single flexible solution for the future of grass and straw clearance.


Einrichtung   Essen  

Adresse :
Wiesenweg 1
Brandenburg 04934
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QUADRO PAC V - Square bale accumulator and stacker

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QUADRO PAC V - Square bale accumulator and stacker
Quadro Pac V collects and stacks big square bales of any regular size. Working at absolute precision, Quadro Pac V minimises field clearing costs, time and compaction while offering effective crop protection from ingress of moisture. Quadro Pac is the single flexible solution for the future of grass and straw clearance.
Quadro Pac, straw, field clearing, stacker, square bale, baler, hay, accumulator, sledge

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